As the governing body of the sport of tennis, USTA Pacific Northwest’s mission is to promote the growth of the game by engaging children, adults and families across Alaska, Washington, Oregon and northern Idaho.
The Vancouver Tennis Center operates as a 100% cost recovery “enterprise operation” where cost recovery steadily declined over the last few years. The impact included the inability to provide a “pay for performance” system for tennis pros and provided no funding to facilitate much-needed investments in the facility, courts, technology, or marketing and special events.
Through an RFP process beginning in December 2016, the City issued an RFP for the operation, maintenance, and management of VTC, specifically asking vendors to “streamline the operation of the facility and to provide moderately priced tennis to patrons while improving the financial stability of the center so it can remain a community asset for years to come.”
USTA PNW won the bid and has invested more than $1.4 million in capital improvements. Part of that investment included improvements to the indoor tennis court area with upgrading the lighting to LED as well as installing a highly reflective and durable Liner System to the ceiling.

Sports Interiors was tapped for this improvement project because of our extensive experience working with other USTA indoor tennis facilities including the National Tennis Center, National Campus, and Gabraith Tennis Center. If you’d like to talk about your facility and how we might be able to help, click the button below.